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Mainline Latest News

Lucky Peg 6!!!

Mainline field tester, Karl Pitcher has been in contact with office recently with another great feedback report. With the start of a new season at the Grenville Lake Syndicate ahead, Karl came out of the customary draw for swims first, opting for one of his favourite swims, peg 6. With 26 anglers on the lake for the new season it was no surprise that the first night was quiet. With the lack of action Karl was considering a recast to reposition his traps when one of rods came to life, a 34lb carp the result. Forty minutes later this rod was away again, with a 35lb fish coming to the net. A great brace of carp for Karl followed by a mid twenty fish shortly after, another fish that couldn't resist the bed of CELL and MK1 boilies Karl had spombed to a spot at range.
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