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Mainline Latest News

Mainline backed World Champions!!!

After five incredible days of fishing, Ian Chillcott and Lee Jackson emerged as world champions on the St Lawrence river in Northern New York state. The World Carp Cup was held late in September, during a period of unseasonable warm weather, and although they drew an unfancied peg, the pair worked non stop for the full five days, winning eventually with a total of 1857lb consisting of 122 fish! Along with the mainstay maize bait, the pair used 50kilos of Mainlines Plum boillies, and of course the maize hookbaits were tipped with the legendary Mainline Pineapple Pop-ups. Tackle for Chilly consisted of 12 foot 3-5oz Fox Horizon rods, coupled with Stratos ES12000E reels loaded with Foxes Gravitron Pro sinking braid. Terminal set up was made up of 6inches of 20LB Coretex, size 6 XSC hooks and 5oz Kling-on leads. Mainline and Fox provided all the bait and gear for team Carpworld. And when you want to be a world champion you really need to be using the best gear available... so that is exactly what the pair did!!!!
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