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Massive common for Mick Tuck

Mainline consultant, Mick Tuck, has just returned from a 7 day trip to the stunning French lake that is Etang Le Fayes and what a session it was! Initially things didn’t look great for the Essex angler but Mick still managed to turn the session around. Over to Mick to take up the story:

“After coming out 9th in the draw my first favoured swims had all gone, so I opted to fish in the middle of two other anglers from our group in the centre of the lake. The venue had been fishing quite slowly, so I decided to deploy a tactic that I often use and soaked my 18mm New Grange in the Active Ade Syrup from the outset. Although there was still not any activity through Saturday afternoon and night until the Sunday when I spotted some bubblers and I sent 10 spombs of soaked New Grange over the area and recast my rig to the spot.

Twenty minutes later one of my indicators pulled up a little not a lot, only about an inch or so and the ATTX receiver signalled two beeps. I leant into the rod and a strong, powerful battle began! I ended up getting into the water to net my prize and what a fine one it was indeed! We attached the scales to a weigh crook for an accurate reading and they settled at 52lbs on the button! Happy days!”

Mick used a ‘Snow-man’ hookbait to tempt the massive common. An 18mm New Grange bottom bait, topped with a 10mm Fruit-tella Pop up, the winning combination.

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