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New Grange Forties!

We recently received this 'big-carp' report from Mainline backed RAF carper, Glenn Beardsall who's been enjoying yet more New Grange Success! Over to Glenn to take up the report: "This my first trip to my Berkshire syndicate water since beginning of November and I didn't really care where I was going to fish, as long as I wasn't going to be directly in the cold and biting wind. In the end I opted for a peg that would welcome the south westerly due over the next 48hrs. The rods went out fine, but decided to not put any bait out straight away. This proved to be a good move as at around 5pm the right hand rod was away, resulting in a 42lb 7oz Ghostie common. The fish was full of leeches so had obviously been buried in the silt over the winter. Having received some action I now decided to put out about a kilo of New Grange boiliest over the middle and right rods before settling in for the night. At 4.50am the right hand rod was away again resulting in another common at 27lb. So I topped up my baited spots with another two kilos of boilies and wasn't expecting anything until the next morning. To my amazement at just before nine the middle rod was away, I've never had a night time take from this swim so this was a novelty. This was the pick of the bunch and a quick phone call to Stotty got him trotting round to do the photos of a 45lb 2oz mirror. The Saturday was very quiet for me with not a great deal seen and nothing within my area, although the baited area did get a top up with another two kilos of bait. The left hand rod at this point had received no bait at all, as somehow I'd managed to forget about it both nights. Sunday started quietly but turned into a gorgeous morning. This was made even better as over the next couple of hours as I was slowly packing away and the left hand rod decided to join the party, producing two more commons of sixteen and twenty-nine-pounds!"
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