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Mainline Latest News

Abbey Lakes Winter Haul!

Mainline consultant, Rob Marsh has been in touch after a successful winter trip to Abbey Lakes, France. Fishing four nights between Christmas and New year, Rob managed to land an impressive 12 carp from Fox lake in tricky conditions where he moved swims no less than three times to try a... read more

Father & Son Abbey Haul!

Mainline Consultant Darrell Creasey along with son Bruce have been making the most of the Christmas break by fitting in some top quality winter carping at Abbey Lakes, France. The father and son duo targeting Kingfisher lake manged 11 carp between them during their 5 night sta... read more


We recently shared an exciting press release from French big-fish venue, Abbey Lakes describing their new booking system for UK anglers. Well the Abbey Lakes complex has now followed this up with an all new website, providing every detail about the venues lakes, great faciliti... read more

On A Roll!

With a successful session under his belt, Rob Marsh recently returned to the southern park lake for another go and was again rewarded with a superb CELL result! Over to the Mainline consultant for the full story:"After last weeks success I made the 70 mile trip back to the lake and ... read more

New Grange Hauling At Lac De Premiere!

Keith Gladden from Lac De Premiere, France has been in contact to say that the carp there are simple loving our New Grange boilies! With a recent session for him and his party resulting in a ten fish catch in just one night! The carp immediately responding to a 5kilo spread of New Grange boi... read more

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