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Mainline Latest News

Rob Fits In Another Short-Session Result!

It hard to keep up with the catch reports from Mainline Consultant, Rob Marsh at times as he's always squeezing in quick overnight sessions where he can, and proving that effort equalls reward! Here's news of yet another short session result for Rob:"I arrived back at the Southern Park ... read more

Carp Catching Work-Out for Fearless Fenn!

Mainlines Pro-Boxing carper Warren 'Fearless' Fenn has over at Farlows again recently where he's  been giving his carp rods a proper workout! Over to Warren for details of his session:"I went over to Farlow's last week for a 24hr session and managed 22 carp to 24lb! I lost a couple to a... read more

Short Session Result!

Consistent big-carp angler Rob Marsh has been in touch following another short session result! Over to the Mainline consultant to take up the story: "With the excellent weather conditions and with my mate Darren catching a few fish to low fourties at the Southern Park lake, I decided to... read more

Forties Mega Session for Glen!

Mainline backed RAF carper, Glen Beardsall, has been in touch following a great result last week! Fishing a southern still-water, Glens 5nt session looked like it was going to be a miserable one due to the persistent heavy rain, but things soon brightened up with some big-carp hitt... read more

Field Tester Results!

As always catch reports are coming into Mainline HQ thick and fast at the moment, not least from our vast team of field testers and supporting anglers. Danny Rigby has tipped-off some great Mainline results on his syndicate water of late with a 49lb fish from a recent trip to France. Ka... read more

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