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Red-Letter Result!

Mainline carper, Darren Belton has been in touch recently with this red-letter report! Over to Darren to take up the story:

"I arrived at the lake knowing there had been a few fish out from one particular area and not surprisingly it was all sown up. So I opted for an area that was as close to where the fish were as I could get, in the hope that they
would move away from all the pressure. The first night passed without a bleep from the buzzers and I was feeling a little despondent, when out of the blue I received a screaming take. After a brief battle it had weeded me up solid and a short while after that it fell off!

This set the tone for the next 24 hours. The weed caused me no end of problems, but thankfully no carp were left with rigs in them and I received an incredible thirteen bites, landing seven, but losing six to the weed, the fish I did land consisted of 23lb 4oz, 23lb 8oz, 26lb 4oz, 26lb 10oz and three thirties, 30lb 10oz, 31lb and 33lbs!!!

A real red letter session, but I did leave wondering what fish I had lost, as one in particular felt a very good fish. All fish fell to 20mm CELL bottom baits fished over 3 kg's of freebies, topped up after every fish."
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